BMO Vancouver Marathon

BMO Vancouver Marathon
Date May 2025 (TBD)
Distance 8k/5mi, Half-marathon, Marathon
Course Type Road


Race Information

The BMO Vancouver Marathon is one of Vancouver’s most iconic running events. The event features a full marathon, marathon relay, half marathon, 8k run, and streets lined with thousands of spectators. Runners can expect to experience a little bit of everything that Vancouver has to offer as they run a straight course that starts at Queen Elizabeth Park and finishes in downtown Vancouver. This annual event usually happens in early May and manages to attract an international field of elite runners.

The BMO Vancouver marathon has a cap of 5,000 racers and typically sells out. The half marathon is able to accommodate up to 10,000 runners and has historically drawn fields close to that number.

The half marathon course is a net downhill so expect fairly quick times. The fields are large but quickly thin out as the race progresses. Overall this race is one of the most scenic marathons on the west coast, and is a must for any avid marathoner! 


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Run Pick of the Month - WWF Climb for Nature

 Unique event happening inside BC Place on May 26, 2024.

The WWF Climb for Nature is your chance to get into the fight against wildlife loss and climate change by fundraising and climbing up and down the stairs of each section in the lower bowl of the iconic BC Place stadium.

This is the first time an event like this has ever happened inside BC Place. You can choose a single bowl climb (approx. 3,000 steps) or double bowl climb (approx. 6,000 steps).

All funds raised at the event will go towards protecting and restoring the crucial habitats of southern resident killer whales, salmon, Vancouver Island marmots and other at-risk wildlife in BC and throughout Canada.

The next 1000 registrations will be FREE thanks to a generous donation by an anonymous sponsor. Register now using the promo code FREE1000.

Click the button below to get all the details!

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