Montara Mountain Trail Run

Montara Mountain Trail Run
Date Feb 2025 (TBD)
Distance 10k, Half-marathon, Marathon, 50k, Ultra
Course Type Trail

Race Information

Come to coastal Pacifica CA, a few miles south of San Francisco for this buffet of trail running! Choose your race distance from the full menu: 10k, half marathon, 20 mile, marathon or 50k.

Montara Mountain features the only undisturbed Coastal Mountain Habitat found over 100 miles of coastline. Run through groves of Huckleberry, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Chinquapin and Manzanita, with beautiful views of the Pacific Coast as you climb.

Fully-stocked aid stations every 6 - 7 miles. You can expect fresh fruit, salty snacks, assorted candy, water, and Clif Shot Electrolyte sports drink. It is highly recommended that runners carry at least 20 oz. of water between aid stations.

T-shirts will be given to all pre-registered runners. Award medals are given to the 1st female and male finishers overall and top three finishers in each age group.


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