500 Festival 6 Miler

500 Festival 6 Miler
Date Mar 2025 (TBD)
Distance Other, 6mi
Course Type Road

Race Information

The 500 Festival Miler Series, consists of three different races, a 3-Miler, 6-Miler, and 10-Miler, that start and finish in downtown Indianapolis. The timing of the races coincide with a typical training program for a spring distance race, such as the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. The Miler Series is the perfect opportunity to help you gauge your training progression, practice your race day strategy (hydration, pacing, fueling), meet a running partner, have fun and earn some swag! Not training for a race? These events also provide an opportunity to get moving and accomplish your fitness goals!

Register for the full Miler Series (all 3 races) and you'll receive a gender specific technical shirt and the official Podium Finisher medal, in addition to bragging rights for perfect attendance! You must register for the "Miler Series" of all three races to receive shirt and medal.


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