The Chicago Bar Association 150th Anniversary 5K Run/Walk

The Chicago Bar Association 150th Anniversary 5K Run/Walk
Date Apr 2025 (TBD)
Distance 5k
Course Type Road

Race Information

Join the Chicago Bar Association to celebrate their 150th Anniversary with a 5K Run/Walk at Soldier Field! In honor of this momentous milestone, they are thrilled to donate proceeds from this event to The Chicago Bar Foundation, the charitable arm of the CBA.  

Founded in 1874, the Chicago Bar Association is celebrating 150 years of maintaining the honor and dignity of the legal profession, cultivating relationships between members, and promoting the administration of justice and the public good. One of the oldest and most active metropolitan bar associations in the United States, the Chicago Bar Association’s voluntary membership includes attorneys from every practice area, the judiciary, and law students.

As the charitable arm of the Chicago Bar Association, The Foundation brings the legal community together through advocacy, funding, and innovation to improve access to justice for people in need and to make the legal system more fair, equitable, and effective. As a key funder and advocate for legal aid, pro bono legal services, and access to courts in the Chicago area, The Foundation helps bridge and actualize our city and legal community’s commitment to justice for all.


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