Get to Know Your Running Clubs - Davis Square Runners

In this edition of Get to Know Your Running Clubs we chatted with Su Mittra (Nature lover and ultra runner) about Boston's Davis Square Runners.  

Want to learn more about them? Read on!

What part of the city does your group usually run in/around?

We run out of Somerville, MA--usually starting in Davis Square. However on weekends we will often head up to the Middlesex Fells or drive up to Harold Parker State Forest to do some trail running.

Tell us a bit about your club history, how long has the club been around?

We started in 2011, with our Tuesday runs maxing out at 6 people. Today we get up to 20-30 people on any given Tuesday.

Tell us a bit about your membership? What level of runners do you cater to?

The bulk of our runs are for people who keep an 8-10 min/mile pace. On Tuesdays we have 1 slow/short run for people around a 12 pace where we only go 3 miles, and immediately after that we have another run for the 8-10 pace people, where we run 5-7 miles. Some Thursdays we have a long run 8-12 miles, and trail runs on the weekends, also 8-12 miles--or longer. We are a social group at heart though--and we don't leave anyone behind. During all of our runs we periodically stop to regroup for slower members, as our group will spread out going down the street.

We often have people who don't like our stopping for regroups--they would rather just keep running. Those people don't last long with our group. I've been told by other members that they don't run with "Group A, or Group B, etc" anymore because these running groups will take off and leave slow members. They treat the group events as a race. Our weekly runs are not races, they are a chance to de-stress, run, push yourself, but ultimately socialize.

Regrouping also helps our slower members not feel slow. There have been times I have been the slowest person hoofing it up a hill. I feel the pressure to try to go faster, but the reality is is that I can't. I also know that I'm making everyone wait--and that's a terrible feeling. But when I do finally catch up at the regroup spot, no one is upset, no is tapping their foot waiting to go, everyone is talking, laughing, and generally having a good time. They are happy to see you, and want to keep running with you.

Where/when does your club usually meet/run?

Seven Hills Park in Davis Square, just behind (or inside when it's cold) the T station next to the Somerville Theater.

Any cost to be a member/join?

Free to all, though we do ask for donations once a year. Usually it is our long time members who donate the most.

Is your group affiliated with any events?

We have a few events through the year. Last year we put on our very first Fat Ass race--where racers could choose their own route. We awarded points to most miles run, and most creative routes. This was also our fundraiser event for the year.

Any cool routes/ favourite areas to run in your city that you would like to recommend to other runners? Why do you like those?

Somerville is the land of seven hills--at least 5 of those are still around. Many of our runs involve these hills in some fashion, they make for a good workout. Any of the major trails in the Middlesex Fells are also lovely.

Do you have any favourite local races? Outside of anything that you’re affiliated with of course :)

  • Eastern States 20
  • Seven Sisters Trail race
  • 100on100 relay
  • Boston's Run to Remember
  • Busa Bushwhack Trail race

Anything else that we should know?

The majority of my friends come from the Davis Square Runners, the people here accept me for who I am, rather than push me away for who I will never be. It is with this understanding that I welcome new faces to our group, and continue to build our community.

Want to learn more?

Want to connect with the Davis Square Runners, or just learn a bit more about them? Check out their information below:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Meetup


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Published on Nov 29, 2016