Get to Know Your Running Clubs: New Journey Runners

In this edition of Get to Know Your Running Clubs we chatted with Naté-Janine Williams about the Dartmouth based New Journey Runners run group.

Want to learn more about them? Read on!

Hi Naté! Who are you? Give us your best one line bio

I'm a Sole Sisters Ambassador, runHER, mommy, trainer, and foodie.

Tell us a bit about the New Journey Runners' group history

New Journey Runners has been around since 2015. I started it because I wanted to share my love for running with other women like me. I wanted to help other women learn to LOVE to run or fall back in love with running after an injury or time away.

Nice! what sort of runners typically run with the group? 

New Journey Runners is a Membership based Women's only club from runners that are new to running. Runners that have fallen out of love with running and are trying to find their way back. As well it is a club where women can get just run together because its just for women. We have runners that have never run a race to those that have run half marathons.

Where/when do you usually meet and run?

We run in Dartmouth from February to November with the odd run thrown in here and there when we want to meet as a group to run a race. We train 2 times a week with the option to meet a 3rd day depending on scheduling. In the Winter we run on Tuesday and Thursdays and from Spring, Summer and Fall we run on Friday and Monday.

The best way to keep up to date on time and locations is on the New Journey Runners Facebook page at

Any cost to be a member/join?

We have several membership fee options depending on what you are looking for. In addition to running we have an option to add the summer New Journey Bootcamp which is a cross training bootcamp that is great for women runners. You can find the fees on our Facebook page.

Is your group affiliated with any events?

Yes! Even though we run races all over the province through out the year our number one event is the Sole Sisters Women's Race Series. The Biggest race series in Eastern Canada. In fact it is Sole Sisters that has brought most of us together. We start off as strangers but continue o run as friends. Not to mention proceeds from Sole Sisters go help support Girls Gone Gazelle Run Club which is a FREE confidence club for girls 8-13 years old.

Where are your favourite local spots to run in/around?

There are some great running routes and hubs in Dartmouth, but a few of our favorite scenic routes are Shubie Park which is great for trail running. In addition we run through and around Sullivan's Pond, Lake Banook and Grahams Grove Corner, also in Dartmouth.

Freshwater Trial is another scenic run that has recently been added to the list. When we want to get in our drills, we tend to stake out the track at Beazley Field and will utilize the indoor track at the Dartmouth Sportsplex (will close this May for revitalization)

Do you personally have any favourite local races? 

Epic Canadian on Canada Day Weekend is another fave of ours as well as the MEC Races through out the year and don't forget the Blue Nose Marathon weekend in May. The list goes on, too many to list.

Anything else that we should know?

If you ever through about running, then do it! Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Its not about being fast or even slow for that matter its about setting a goal and accomplishing it. Get up and run, run to be free, run because it fun and don't be afraid to run like a girl because we are AWESOME!

One quote that resonates with the club and every lady that joins is from: Lao Tzu and it reads - A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...

...and that couldn't be more true.

Want to learn more?

Want to connect with the New Journey Runners, or just learn a bit more about them? Check out their information below:

New Journey WellnessFacebook | Twitter


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Published on Mar 17, 2017