Get to Know Your Running Clubs - Dusty Bottoms Trail Runners

In this edition of Get To Know Your Running Club we spoke with Jeff Rowe, President and Founder of the Dusty Bottoms Trail Runners.

You'll find the Dusty Bottom Trail Runners running in Modesto during the week, but can be found anywhere there is dirt and trails on the weekends.

Want to learn more about the Dusty Bottom Trail Runners? Read on!

Tell us a bit about your club history, how long has the club been around?

In a 2013 after a few beers, a group of friends decided that they should start a trail running club. The rest is history.

Tell us a bit about your membership? What level of runners do you cater to?

We are proud to say that all level of runner is welcome in DB. We have runners training for their first 5k running along side of others training for 100 milers.

Where/when does your club usually meet/run?

We meet every Thursday night in front of Fuzio restaurant in downtown Modesto. We go for a quick run and then hang out and have a beer or two.

Any cost to be a member/join?

While we have an actual membership, anyone is welcome to join us for any of our runs. However, only membership gets you the coveted DB team shirt.

Is your group affiliated with any events?

We are getting ready for this year's Red Hills Ramble. It will be held in the Red Hills area on April 22nd and as always promises to be amazing! Oh, and who could possibly forget the Dusty Bottoms Annual Beer Mile held every September?

Any cool routes/ favourite areas to run in your city that you would like to recommend to other runners? Why do you like those?

Typically we spend a lot of our time training on the trails that our members are going to be racing on. Outside of training, we love to run the East Bay trails.

Anything else that we should know?

While we might not always be the largest running group at a race, we promise to be the loudest one there and one of the last ones to leave. One thing we are proud of is being the club that won't leave until their last runner is in. We will scream and clap for every single runner we see.

Want to connect with the Dusty Bottoms Trail Runners or just learn a bit more about them?

Check out their information below:

Website | Facebook

Published on Mar 29, 2017