Get To Know Your Running Clubs - Bethany Runners Unite

In this edition of Get To Know Your Running Clubs we spoke with Jamie Williams about the running crew Bethany Runners Unite (BRU). You can find them running in Bethany and Rockcreek on the West Side of the Portland Metropolitan area. 

Want to learn more about them? Read on!

Hi Jamie! Who are you? Give us your one line bio

I am a senior actuarial analyst who exercises six days a week, including three runs a week.

Tell us a bit about your club history, how long has the club been around?

BRU was formed in the summer of 2016 by participants of a local run group that meets on Wednesdays. We wanted to offer a group run on the weekends that accommodates both genders, all speeds and all distances. We started with two guys (Jamie and Paul) and the group grew rapidly. We never leave any runner behind! We always run some version of the same route, which varies from 3 to 15+ miles and we split up by pace and regroup several times. Runners split off based on desired distance, usually in smaller groups or pairs.

Nice! Tell us a bit about your members? What level of runners typically join you?

Our current regulars range from their early 20's to mid 60's in age. The group consists of an equal amount of males and females. The fastest runners are sub-8 min/mile for long distances, but all speeds are accommodated. The average runner in our group probably stays around 9-9:30 pace for the longer runs. Several of the runners are on training schedules for races, so distances vary based on their schedules. The run stays between 3 and 15 miles total with a couple of quick stops for water and to say goodbye to runners leaving.

Where/when does your club usually meet/run?

We meet on Saturdays at 8:00 am in front of the Starbucks with the fountain at the corner of NW Central Drive and NW Bethany Blvd, north of the 26 freeway. The address is 4708 Northwest Bethany Boulevard, Portland, OR 97229.

Any cost to be a member/join?

The group is absolutely free. You can pay 20 bucks for one of our shirts if you like.

Is your group affiliated with any events?

Not at this time. 

Do you have any favourite local races? 

My favourite races include the Holiday Half, Helvetia Half, and the Portland Marathon.

Want to learn more?

Want to connect with the Bethany Runners Unite, or just learn a bit more about them? Check out their information below:


Looking for runs around Portland?

You can find a full list of runs and races happening around Portland at

Published on Jul 10, 2017