Get to Know Your Running Clubs - San Francisco New Balance Run Club

In this edition of Get to Know Your Running Clubs we chatted with Zach Gomez about San Francisco’s New Balance Running Club.

Want to learn more about them? Read on!

Tell us a bit about the club history

Our run club has been around since our store opening in 2016. We are now revamping our run club to grow our community of runners.

Nice! Tell us a bit about your members.

Our runs are catered for anyone and everyone. We encourage all runners to come out and push themselves to be the best version of themselves.

Where/when do you usually meet and run?

Our club meets twice a week: Mondays and Wednesdays, in front of the New Balance Global Flagship Store on Market Street. Mondays start at 6:30pm for a 3 mile run and Wednesdays start at 6:00pm for a 5 or 6 mile run.

Any cost to be a member/join?

No, our runs are free!

Are you affiliated with any events?

New Balance partipates in several running events throughout the year and our club is always encouraged to join them.

Where are your favourite spots to run in/around the city?

We recommend the local hotspot of running along the Embarcadero since you are right by the water. Most of our runs are along this path taking advantage of our beautiful city.

Do you have any favourite races? Outside of anything that you’re affiliated with :)

The Giant Race San Francisco is my favorite race of the year.

Anything else that we should know?

For all of our participants we offer them free New Balance Run Club shirts as well as give them discount card to make a purchase in the store (while supplies last).

Want to learn more?

Connect with the New Balance Running Club, or just learn a bit more about them with the information below:

Facebook | Instagram

Find more runs around San Francisco

Looking for runs in and around the bay area? The RunGuides San Francisco race calendar can help you find upcoming runs and running races in the area -

Published on Jul 27, 2017