RunGuides Run Bingo

Add at least 247%* more excitement to your regular runs with RunGuides Run Bingo!⁠

We created this bingo card that you can download and print off to use at home, OR, save onto your phone and digitally check off after your runs.

How to Play⁠:

1 - Go for a run ⁠⠀
2 - Mark down anything that happens to you⁠⠀
3 - Create a horizontal or diagonal line to score BINGO⁠⠀
4 - Yell "RUN BINGO!!!!" as loud as you can. Bask in your sweet sweet victory⁠⠀

RunGuides Run Bingo
Click Here to Download Run Bingo Card

*247% increase in run excitement was achieved in individuals participating in case studies at RunGuides Run Labs. Individual results may vary.⁠

Published on Jul 29, 2020