Get To Know Your Running Clubs: Austin Beer Run Club

In this edition of Get to Know Your Running Clubs we chatted with John Liska about the Austin Beer Run Club. If you’re interested in learning a bit more about them, read on!

Austin Beer Run club photo

Tell us a bit about your club history, how long have you been around?

We were founded in 2012 by Chris Bash and Ryan Melody. The club was originally a group of 15-20 folks that met at Doc's to do a 5k near downtown Austin and then enjoy some beers afterwards. The club later created a page and moved to Uncle Billy's, and the growth of the club took off considerably from there!

Tell us a bit about your membership? What level of runners do you cater to?

We are approaching 2,000 members in the club (based on We encourage all levels of runners: elites, casual runners, people coming back from injury, folks looking to run with their dogs, etc. We try to keep the club relaxed and focus on the social aspects.

Austin Beer Run Club

Where/when do you usually meet?

Our group meets every Wednesday evening at 6:30pm at Uncle Billy's on Barton Springs Rd. You can also check out our Website, or Facebook page for up to date info.

Any cost to be a member/join?

None! It’s free to run with us.

Are you affiliated with any events?

We typically hold a Saturday pub run (a paid event) about once every quarter.

Where are your favourite spots to run in/around the city?

Our Austin Beer Run Club summer route is our favorite: it includes Zilker Park and Town Lake, it is mostly trail, and there are no stoplights for the entire 5k.

Austin Beer Run Club sign

Do you have any favourite races? Outside of anything that you’re affiliated with of course :)

One of our favorites is the Zilker Relay.

Anything else that we should know?

We also have a sister club: Yomosas, the Yoga & Mimosas club. More information is found here:

If you want to connect with us get in touch through any of the following channels!

Austin Beer Run Club Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram


Looking for runs in and around Austin? Have a look at the RunGuides List of upcoming Austin Runs for a list of running events in the area

Published on Jul 08, 2015